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FunC program is essentially a list of function declarations/definitions and global variable declarations. This section covers the first topic.

Any function declaration or definition starts with a common pattern and one of the three things goes next:

  • single ;, which means that the function is declared but not defined yet. It may be defined later in the same file or in some other file which is passed before the current one to the FunC compiler. For example,

    int add(int x, int y);

    is a simple declaration of a function named add of type (int, int) -> int.

  • assembler function body definition. It is the way to define functions by low-level TVM primitives for later use in FunC program. For example,

    int add(int x, int y) asm "ADD";

    is an assembler definition of the same function add of type (int, int) -> int which will translate to the TVM opcode ADD.

  • ordinary block statement function body definition. It is the usual way to define functions. For example,

    int add(int x, int y) {
    return x + y;

    is an ordinary definition of the add function.

Function declaration

As said before, any function declaration or definition starts with a common pattern. The following is the pattern:

[<forall declarator>] <return_type> <function_name>(<comma_separated_function_args>) <specifiers>

where [ ... ] corresponds to an optional entry.

Function name

Function name can be any identifier and also it can start with . or ~ symbols. The meaning of those symbols is explained in the statements section.

For example, udict_add_builder?, dict_set and ~dict_set are valid and different function names. (They are defined in stdlib.fc.)

Special function names

FunC (actually Fift assembler) has several reserved function names with predefined ids.

  • main and recv_internal have id = 0
  • recv_external has id = -1
  • run_ticktock has id = -2

Every program must have a function with id 0, that is, main or recv_internal function. run_ticktock is called in ticktock transactions of special smart contracts.

Receive internal

recv_internal is called when a smart contract receives an inbound internal message. There are some variables at the stack when TVM initiates, by setting arguments in recv_internal we give smart-contract code awareness about some of them. Those arguments about which code will not know, will just lie at the bottom of the stack never touched.

So each of the following recv_internal declarations is correct, but those with less variables will spend slightly less gas (each unused argument adds additional DROP instructions)

() recv_internal(int balance, int msg_value, cell in_msg_cell, slice in_msg) {}
() recv_internal(int msg_value, cell in_msg_cell, slice in_msg) {}
() recv_internal(cell in_msg_cell, slice in_msg) {}
() recv_internal(slice in_msg) {}

Receive external

recv_external is for inbound external messages.

Return type

Return type can be any atomic or composite type as described in the types section. For example,

int foo();
(int, int) foo'();
[int, int] foo''();
(int -> int) foo'''();
() foo''''();

are valid function declarations.

Type inference is also allowed. For example,

_ pyth(int m, int n) {
return (m * m - n * n, 2 * m * n, m * m + n * n);

is a valid definition of function pyth of type (int, int) -> (int, int, int), which computes Pythagorean triples.

Function arguments

Function arguments are separated by commas. The valid declarations of an argument are following:

  • Ordinary declaration: type + name. For example, int x is a declaration of argument of type int and name x in the function declaration () foo(int x);
  • Unused argument declaration: only type. For example,
    int first(int x, int) {
    return x;
    is a valid function definition of type (int, int) -> int
  • Argument with an inferred type declaration: only name. For example,
    int inc(x) {
    return x + 1;
    is a valid function definition of type int -> int. The int type of x is inferred by the type-checker.

Note that although a function may look like a function of several arguments, it's actually a function of one tensor-type argument. To see the difference, please refer to function application. Nevertheless, the components of the argument tensor are conventionally called function arguments.

Function calls

Non-modifying methods


Non-modifying function supports short function call form with .


If a function has at least one argument, it can be called as a non-modifying method. For example, store_uint has type (builder, int, int) -> builder (the second argument is the value to store, and the third is the bit length). begin_cell is a function that creates a new builder. The following codes are equivalent:

builder b = begin_cell();
b = store_uint(b, 239, 8);
builder b = begin_cell();
b = b.store_uint(239, 8);

So the first argument of a function can be passed to it being located before the function name, if separated by .. The code can be further simplified:

builder b = begin_cell().store_uint(239, 8);

Multiple calls of methods are also possible:

builder b = begin_cell().store_uint(239, 8)
.store_int(-1, 16)
.store_uint(0xff, 10);

Modifying functions


Modifying function supports short form with ~ and . operators.

If the first argument of a function has type A and the return value of the function has the shape of (A, B) where B is some arbitrary type, then the function can be called as a modifying method.

Modifying function calls may take some arguments and return some values, but they modify their first argument, that is, assign the first component of the returned value to the variable from the first argument.

a = example(a);

For example, suppose cs is a cell slice and load_uint has type (slice, int) -> (slice, int): it takes a cell slice and number of bits to load and returns the remainder of the slice and the loaded value. The following codes are equivalent:

(cs, int x) = load_uint(cs, 8);
(cs, int x) = cs.load_uint(8);
int x = cs~load_uint(8);

In some cases we want to use a function as a modifying method that doesn't return any value and only modifies the first argument. It can be done using unit types as follows: Suppose we want to define function inc of type int -> int, which increments an integer, and use it as a modifying method. Then we should define inc as a function of type int -> (int, ()):

(int, ()) inc(int x) {
return (x + 1, ());

When defined like that, it can be used as a modifying method. The following will increment x.


. and ~ in function names

Suppose we want to use inc as a non-modifying method too. We can write something like that:

(int y, _) = inc(x);

But it is possible to override the definition of inc as a modifying method.

int inc(int x) {
return x + 1;
(int, ()) ~inc(int x) {
return (x + 1, ());

And then call it like that:

int y = inc(x);
int z = x.inc();

The first call will modify x; the second and third won't.

In summary, when a function with the name foo is called as a non-modifying or modifying method (i.e. with .foo or ~foo syntax), the FunC compiler uses the definition of .foo or ~foo correspondingly if such a definition is presented, and if not, it uses the definition of foo.


There are three types of specifiers: impure, inline/inline_ref, and method_id. One, several, or none of them can be put in a function declaration but currently they must be presented in the right order. For example, it is not allowed to put impure after inline.

Impure specifier

impure specifier means that the function can have some side effects which can't be ignored. For example, we should put impure specifier if the function can modify contract storage, send messages, or throw an exception when some data is invalid and the function is intended to validate this data.

If impure is not specified and the result of the function call is not used, then the FunC compiler may and will delete this function call.

For example, in the stdlib.fc function

int random() impure asm "RANDU256";

is defined. impure is used because RANDU256 changes the internal state of the random number generator.

Inline specifier

If a function has inline specifier, its code is actually substituted in every place where the function is called. It goes without saying that recursive calls to inlined functions are not possible.

For example, you can using inline like this way in this example: ICO-Minter.fc

() save_data(int total_supply, slice admin_address, cell content, cell jetton_wallet_code) impure inline {

Inline_ref specifier

The code of a function with the inline_ref specifier is put into a separate cell, and every time when the function is called, a CALLREF command is executed by TVM. So it's similar to inline, but because a cell can be reused in several places without duplicating it, it is almost always more efficient in terms of code size to use inline_ref specifier instead of inline unless the function is called exactly once. Recursive calls of inline_ref'ed functions are still impossible because there are no cyclic references in the TVM cells.


Every function in TVM program has an internal integer id by which it can be called. Ordinary functions are usually numbered by subsequent integers starting from 1, but get-methods of the contract are numbered by crc16 hashes of their names. method_id(<some_number>) specifier allows to set the id of a function to specified value, and method_id uses the default value (crc16(<function_name>) & 0xffff) | 0x10000. If a function has method_id specifier, then it can be called in lite-client or tos-explorer as a get-method by its name.

For example,

(int, int) get_n_k() method_id {
(_, int n, int k, _, _, _, _) = unpack_state();
return (n, k);

is a get-method of multisig contract.

Polymorphism with forall

Before any function declaration or definition, there can be forall type variables declarator. It has the following syntax:

forall <comma_separated_type_variables_names> ->

where type variable name can be any identifier. Usually, they are named with capital letters.

For example,

forall X, Y -> [Y, X] pair_swap([X, Y] pair) {
[X p1, Y p2] = pair;
return [p2, p1];

is a function that takes a tuple of length exactly 2, but with values of any (single stack entry) types in components, and swaps them with each other.

pair_swap([2, 3]) will produce [3, 2] and pair_swap([1, [2, 3, 4]]) will produce [[2, 3, 4], 1].

In this example X and Y are type variables. When the function is called, type variables are substituted with actual types, and the code of the function is executed. Note that although the function is polymorphic, the actual assembler code for it is the same for every type substitution. It is achieved essentially by the polymorphism of stack manipulation primitives. Currently, other forms of polymorphism (like ad-hoc polymorphism with type classes) are not supported.

Also, it is worth noticing that the type width of X and Y is supposed to be equal to 1; that is, the values of X or Y must occupy a single stack entry. So you actually can't call the function pair_swap on a tuple of type [(int, int), int], because type (int, int) has width 2, i.e., it occupies 2 stack entries.

Assembler function body definition

As mentioned above, a function can be defined by the assembler code. The syntax is an asm keyword followed by one or several assembler commands, represented as strings. For example, one can define:

int inc_then_negate(int x) asm "INC" "NEGATE";

– a function that increments an integer and then negates it. Calls to this function will be translated to 2 assembler commands INC and NEGATE. Alternative way to define the function is:

int inc_then_negate'(int x) asm "INC NEGATE";

INC NEGATE will be considered by FunC as one assembler command, but it is OK, because Fift assembler knows that it is 2 separate commands.


The list of assembler commands can be found here: TVM instructions.

Rearranging stack entries

In some cases, we want to pass arguments to the assembler function in a different order than the assembler command requires, or/and take the result in a different stack entry order than the command returns. We could manually rearrange the stack by adding corresponding stack primitives, but FunC can do it automatically.


Note, that in case of manual rearranging, arguments will be computed in the rearranged order. To overwrite this behavior use #pragma compute-asm-ltr: compute-asm-ltr

For example, suppose that the assembler command STUXQ takes an integer, builder, and integer; then it returns the builder, along with the integer flag, indicating the success or failure of the operation. We may define the function:

(builder, int) store_uint_quite(int x, builder b, int len) asm "STUXQ";

However, suppose we want to rearrange arguments. Then we can define:

(builder, int) store_uint_quite(builder b, int x, int len) asm(x b len) "STUXQ";

So you can indicate the required order of arguments after the asm keyword.

Also, we can rearrange return values like this:

(int, builder) store_uint_quite(int x, builder b, int len) asm( -> 1 0) "STUXQ";

The numbers correspond to the indexes of returned values (0 is the deepest stack entry among returned values).

Combining this techniques is also possible.

(int, builder) store_uint_quite(builder b, int x, int len) asm(x b len -> 1 0) "STUXQ";

Multiline asms

Multiline assembler command or even Fift-code snippets can be defined via multiline strings which starts and ends with """.

slice hello_world() asm """
" "
$+ $+ $>s