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ADNL TCP - Liteserver

This is the low level protocol on which all interaction in the TOS network is built, it can work on top of any protocol, but is most often used on top of TCP and UDP. UDP is used for communication between nodes, and TCP is used for communication with lite servers.

Now we will analyze ADNL running over TCP and learn how to interact with lite servers directly.

In the TCP version of ADNL, network nodes use public keys ed25519 as addresses and establish a connection using a shared key obtained using the Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman procedure - ECDH.

Packet Structure

Each ADNL TCP packet, except for the handshake, has the following structure:

  • 4 bytes of packet size in little endian (N)
  • 32 bytes nonce [?]
  • (N - 64) payload bytes
  • 32 bytes SHA256 checksum from nonce and payload

The entire packet, including the size, is AES-CTR encrypted. After decryption, it is necessary to check whether the checksum matches the data, to check, you just need to calculate the checksum yourself and compare the result with what we have in the packet.

The handshake packet is an exception, it is transmitted in a partially unencrypted form and is described in the next chapter.

Establishing a connection

To establish a connection, we need to know the ip, port and public key of the server, and generate our own private and public key ed25519.

Public server data such as ip, port and key can be obtained from the global config. IP in the config in numerical form, it can be brought to normal form using, for example this tool. The public key in the config in base64 format.

The client generates 160 random bytes, some of which will be used by the parties as the basis for AES encryption.

Of these, 2 permanent AES-CTR ciphers are created, which will be used by the parties to encrypt/decrypt messages after the handshake.

  • Cipher A - key 0 - 31 bytes, iv 64 - 79 bytes
  • Cipher B - key 32 - 63 bytes, iv 80 - 95 bytes

The ciphers are applied in this order:

  • Cipher A is used by the server to encrypt the messages it sends.
  • Cipher A is used by the client to decrypt received messages.
  • Cipher B is used by the client to encrypt the messages it sends.
  • Cipher B is used by the server to decrypt received messages.

To establish a connection, the client must send a handshake packet containing:

  • [32 bytes] Server key ID [Details]
  • [32 bytes] Our public key is ed25519
  • [32 bytes] SHA256 hash from our 160 bytes
  • [160 bytes] Our 160 bytes encrypted [Details]

When receiving a handshake packet, the server will do the same actions, receive an ECDH key, decrypt 160 bytes and create 2 permanent keys. If everything works out, the server will respond with an empty ADNL packet, without payload, to decrypt which (as well as subsequent ones) we need to use one of the permanent ciphers.

From this point on, the connection can be considered established.

After we have established a connection, we can start receiving information; the TL language is used to serialize data.

More about TL


It is optimal to send a ping packet once every 5 seconds. This is necessary to maintain the connection while no data is being transmitted, otherwise the server may terminate the connection.

The ping packet, like all the others, is built according to the standard schema described above, and carries the request ID and ping ID as payload data.

Let's find the desired schema for the ping request here and calculate the schema id as crc32_IEEEE("tcp.ping random_id:long = tcp.Pong"). When converted to little endian bytes, we get 9a2b084d.

Thus, our ADNL ping packet will look like this:

  • 4 bytes of packet size in little endian -> 64 + (4+8) = 76
  • 32 bytes nonce -> random 32 bytes
  • 4 bytes of ID TL schema -> 9a2b084d
  • 8 bytes of request id -> random uint64 number
  • 32 bytes of SHA256 checksum from nonce and payload

We send our packet and wait for tcp.pong, random_id will be equal to the one we sent in ping packet.

Receiving information from a Liteserver

All requests that are aimed at obtaining information from the blockchain are wrapped in Liteserver Query schema, which in turn is wrapped in ADNL Query schema.

LiteQuery: liteServer.query data:bytes = Object, id df068c79

ADNLQuery: adnl.message.query query_id:int256 query:bytes = adnl.Message, id 7af98bb4

LiteQuery is passed inside ADNLQuery, as query:bytes, and the final query is passed inside LiteQuery, as data:bytes.

Parsing encoding bytes in TL


Now, since we already know how to generate TL packets for the Lite API, we can request information about the current TOS masterchain block. The masterchain block is used in many further requests as an input parameter to indicate the state (moment) in which we need information.

We are looking for the TL schema we need, calculate its ID and build the packet:

  • 4 bytes of packet size in little endian -> 64 + (4+32+(1+4+(1+4+3)+3)) = 116
  • 32 bytes nonce -> random 32 bytes
  • 4 bytes of ID ADNLQuery schema -> 7af98bb4
  • 32 bytes query_id:int256 -> random 32 bytes
    • 1 byte array size -> 12
    • 4 byte of ID LiteQuery schema -> df068c79
      • 1 byte array size -> 4
      • 4 bytes of ID getMasterchainInfo schema -> 2ee6b589
      • 3 zero bytes of padding (alignment to 8)
    • 3 zero bytes of padding (alignment to 16)
  • 32 bytes of checksum SHA256 from nonce and payload

Packet example in hex:

74000000                                                             -> packet size (116)
5fb13e11977cb5cff0fbf7f23f674d734cb7c4bf01322c5e6b928c5d8ea09cfd -> nonce
7af98bb4 -> ADNLQuery
77c1545b96fa136b8e01cc08338bec47e8a43215492dda6d4d7e286382bb00c4 -> query_id
0c -> array size
df068c79 -> LiteQuery
04 -> array size
2ee6b589 -> getMasterchainInfo
000000 -> 3 bytes of padding
000000 -> 3 bytes of padding
ac2253594c86bd308ed631d57a63db4ab21279e9382e416128b58ee95897e164 -> sha256

In response, we expect to receive liteServer.masterchainInfo, consisting of last:tos.blockIdExt state_root_hash:int256 и init:tosNode.zeroStateIdExt.

The received packet is deserialized in the same way as the sent one - has same algorithm, but in the opposite direction, except that the response is wrapped only in ADNLAnswer.

After decoding the response, we get a packet of the form:

20010000                                                                  -> packet size (288)
5558b3227092e39782bd4ff9ef74bee875ab2b0661cf17efdfcd4da4e53e78e6 -> nonce
1684ac0f -> ADNLAnswer
77c1545b96fa136b8e01cc08338bec47e8a43215492dda6d4d7e286382bb00c4 -> query_id (identical to request)
b8 -> array size
81288385 -> liteServer.masterchainInfo
ffffffff -> workchain:int
0000000000000080 -> shard:long
27405801 -> seqno:int
e585a47bd5978f6a4fb2b56aa2082ec9deac33aaae19e78241b97522e1fb43d4 -> root_hash:int256
876851b60521311853f59c002d46b0bd80054af4bce340787a00bd04e0123517 -> file_hash:int256
8b4d3b38b06bb484015faf9821c3ba1c609a25b74f30e1e585b8c8e820ef0976 -> state_root_hash:int256
ffffffff -> workchain:int
17a3a92992aabea785a7a090985a265cd31f323d849da51239737e321fb05569 -> root_hash:int256
5e994fcf4d425c0a6ce6a792594b7173205f740a39cd56f537defd28b48a0f6e -> file_hash:int256
000000 -> 3 bytes of padding
520c46d1ea4daccdf27ae21750ff4982d59a30672b3ce8674195e8a23e270d21 -> sha256


We already know how to get the masterchain block, so now we can call any lite server methods. Let's analyze runSmcMethod - this is a method that calls a function from a smart contract and returns a result. Here we need to understand some new data types such as TL-B, Cell and BoC.

To execute the smart contract method, we need to build and send a request using the TL schema:

liteServer.runSmcMethod mode:# id:tosNode.blockIdExt account:liteServer.accountId method_id:long params:bytes = liteServer.RunMethodResult

And wait for a response with schema:

liteServer.runMethodResult mode:# id:tosNode.blockIdExt shardblk:tosNode.blockIdExt shard_proof:mode.0?bytes proof:mode.0?bytes state_proof:mode.1?bytes init_c7:mode.3?bytes lib_extras:mode.4?bytes exit_code:int result:mode.2?bytes = liteServer.RunMethodResult;

In the request, we see the following fields:

  1. mode:# - uint32 bitmask of what we want to see in the response, for example, result:mode.2?bytes will only be present in the response if the bit with index 2 is set to one.
  2. id:tosNode.blockIdExt - is our master block state that we got in the previous chapter.
  3. account:liteServer.accountId - workchain and smart contract address data.
  4. method_id:long - 8 bytes, in which crc16 with the XMODEM table is written on behalf of the called method + bit 17 is set [Calculation]
  5. params:bytes - Stack serialized in BoC, containing arguments to call the method. [Implementation example]

For example, we only need result:mode.2?bytes, then our mode will be equal to 0b100, that is 4. In response, we will get:

  1. mode:# -> what was sent - 4.
  2. id:tosNode.blockIdExt -> our master block against which the method was executed
  3. shardblk:tosNode.blockIdExt -> shard block where the contract account is located
  4. exit_code:int -> 4 bytes which is the exit code when executing the method. If everything is successful, then = 0, if not, it is equal to the exception code.
  5. result:mode.2?bytes -> Stack serialized in BoC, containing the values returned by the method.

Let's analyze the call and getting the result from the a2 method of the contract EQBL2_3lMiyywU17g-or8N7v9hDmPCpttzBPE2isF2GTzpK4:

Method code in FunC:

(cell, cell) a2() method_id {
cell a = begin_cell().store_uint(0xAABBCC8, 32).end_cell();
cell b = begin_cell().store_uint(0xCCFFCC1, 32).end_cell();
return (a, b);

Fill out our request:

  • mode = 4, we only need the result -> 04000000
  • id = result of execution getMasterchainInfo
  • account = workchain 0 (4 bytes 00000000), and int256 obtained from our contract address, i.e. 32 bytes 4bdbfde5322cb2c14d7b83ea2bf0deeff610e63c2a6db7304f1368ac176193ce
  • method_id = computed id from a2 -> 0a2e010000000000
  • params:bytes = Our method does not accept input parameters, so we need to pass it an empty stack (000000, cell 3 bytes - stack depth 0) serialized in BoC -> b5ee9c72010101010005000006000000 -> serialize in bytes and get 10b5ee9c72410101010005000006000000000000 0x10 - size, 3 bytes in the end - padding.

In response, we get:

  • mode:# -> not interesting
  • id:tosNode.blockIdExt -> not interesting
  • shardblk:tosNode.blockIdExt -> not interesting
  • exit_code:int -> is 0 if execution was successful
  • result:mode.2?bytes -> Stack containing the data returned by the method in BoC format, we will unpack it.

Inside result we received b5ee9c7201010501001b000208000002030102020203030400080ccffcc1000000080aabbcc8, this is BoC containing the data. When we deserialize it, we will get a cell:

32[00000203] -> {
8[03] -> {

If we parse it, we will get 2 values of the cell type, which our FunC method returns. The first 3 bytes of the root cell 000002 - is the depth of the stack, that is 2. This means that the method returned 2 values.

We continue parsing, the next 8 bits (1 byte) is the value type at the current stack level. For some types, it may take 2 bytes. Possible options can be seen in schema. In our case, we have 03, which means:

vm_stk_cell#03 cell:^Cell = VmStackValue;

So the type of our value is - cell, and, according to the schema, it stores the value itself as a reference. But, if we look at the stack element storage schema:

vm_stk_cons#_ {n:#} rest:^(VmStackList n) tos:VmStackValue = VmStackList (n + 1);

We will see that the first link rest:^(VmStackList n) - is the cell of the next value on the stack, and our value tos:VmStackValue comes second, so to get the value we need to read the second link, that is 32[0CCFFCC1] - this is our first cell that the contract returned.

Now we can go deeper and get the second element of the stack, we go through the first link, now we have:

8[03] -> {

We repeat the same process. The first 8 bits = 03 - that is, again cell. The second reference is the value 32[0AABBCC8] and since our stack depth is 2, we complete the pass. n total, we have 2 values returned by the contract - 32[0CCFFCC1] and 32[0AABBCC8].

Note that they are in reverse order. In the same way, you need to pass arguments when calling a function - in reverse order from what we see in the FunC code.

Implementation example


To get account state data such as balance, code and contract data, we can use getAccountState. For the request, we need a fresh master block and account address. In response, we will receive the TL structure AccountState.

Let's analyze the AccountState TL schema:

liteServer.accountState id:tosNode.blockIdExt shardblk:tosNode.blockIdExt shard_proof:bytes proof:bytes state:bytes = liteServer.AccountState;
  1. id - is our master block, regarding which we got the data.
  2. shardblk - workchain shard block where our account is located, regarding which we received data.
  3. shard_proof - merkle proof of a shard block.
  4. proof - merkle proof of account status.
  5. state - BoC TL-B account state scheme.

Of all this data, what we need is in the state, we will analyze it.

For example, let's get the status of account EQAhE3sLxHZpsyZ_HecMuwzvXHKLjYx4kEUehhOy2JmCcHCT, state in the response will be (at the moment of writing this article):


Parse this BoC and get

large cell
473[C0021137B0BC47669B3267F1DE70CBB0CEF5C728B8D8C7890451E8613B2D899827026A886043179D3F6000006E233BE8722201D7D239DBA7D818130_] -> {
80[FF00F4A413F4BCF2C80B] -> {
2[0_] -> {
4[4_] -> {
8[CC] -> {
2[0_] -> {
141[F2980BC7A0737D0986D9E52ED9E013C7A218] -> {
6[64] -> {
2[0_] -> {
2[0_] -> {
84[BBED96D5034705520DB3C_] -> {
4[4_] -> {
2[0_] -> {
458[B11D7420C235C6083E404074C1E08075313B50F614C81E3D039BE87CA7F5C2FFD78C7E443CA82B807D01085BA4D6DC4CB83E405636CF0069004_] -> {
2[0_] -> {
2[0_] -> {
323[B7255B678626466A4610081E81CDF431C24D845A4000331A61E62E005AE0261C0B6FEE1C0B77746E0_] -> {
531[B5599B6786ABE06FEDB1C68A2270081E8F8DF4A411C4605A400031C34410021AE424BAE064F613990039E2CA840090081E886052261C52261C52265C4036625CCD882_] -> {
4[4_] -> {
2[0_] -> {
65[AC1A6D9E2F81B6090_] -> {
12[993_] -> {
50[A936CF0557C14_] -> {
872[F220C7008E8330DB3CE08308D71820F90101D307DB3C22C00013A1537178F40E6FA1F29FDB3C541ABAF910F2A006F40420F90101D31F5118BAF2AAD33F705301F00A01C20801830ABCB1F26853158040F40E6FA120980EA420C20AF2670EDFF823AA1F5340B9F2615423A3534E] -> {
128[DB3C02F265F8005043714313DB3CED54] -> {
640[DB3C2FAE5320B0F26212B102A425B3531CB9B0258100E1AA23A028BCB0F269820186A0F8010597021110023E3E308E8D11101FDB3C40D778F44310BD05E254165B5473E7561053DCDB3C54710A547ABC] -> {
856[DB3CED54F80F70256E5389BEB198106E102D50C75F078F1B30542403504DDB3C5055A046501049103A4B0953B9DB3C5054167FE2F800078325A18E2C268040F4966FA52094305303B9DE208E1638393908D2000197D3073016F007059130E27F080705926C31E2B3E63006] -> {
128[8E8A104510344300DB3CED54925F06E2] -> {
114[0000000105036248628D00000000C_] -> {
7[CA] -> {
2[0_] -> {
2[0_] -> {
2[0_] -> {

Now we need to parse the cell according to the TL-B structure:

account_none$0 = Account;

account$1 addr:MsgAddressInt storage_stat:StorageInfo
storage:AccountStorage = Account;

Our structure references other structures, such as:

anycast_info$_ depth:(#<= 30) { depth >= 1 } rewrite_pfx:(bits depth) = Anycast;
addr_std$10 anycast:(Maybe Anycast) workchain_id:int8 address:bits256 = MsgAddressInt;
addr_var$11 anycast:(Maybe Anycast) addr_len:(## 9) workchain_id:int32 address:(bits addr_len) = MsgAddressInt;

storage_info$_ used:StorageUsed last_paid:uint32 due_payment:(Maybe Grams) = StorageInfo;
storage_used$_ cells:(VarUInteger 7) bits:(VarUInteger 7) public_cells:(VarUInteger 7) = StorageUsed;

account_storage$_ last_trans_lt:uint64 balance:CurrencyCollection state:AccountState = AccountStorage;

currencies$_ grams:Grams other:ExtraCurrencyCollection = CurrencyCollection;

var_uint$_ {n:#} len:(#< n) value:(uint (len * 8)) = VarUInteger n;
var_int$_ {n:#} len:(#< n) value:(int (len * 8)) = VarInteger n;
nanograms$_ amount:(VarUInteger 16) = Grams;

account_uninit$00 = AccountState;
account_active$1 _:StateInit = AccountState;
account_frozen$01 state_hash:bits256 = AccountState;

As we can see, the cell contains a lot of data, but we will analyze the main cases and getting a balance. You can analyze the rest in a similar way.

Let's start parsing. In the root cell data we have:


Convert it to binary form and get:


Let's look at our main TL-B structure, we see that we have 2 options for what can be there - account_none$0 or account$1. We can understand which option we have by reading the prefix declared after the symbol $, in our case it is 1 bit. If there is 0, then we have account_none, or 1, then account.

Our first bit from the data above = 1, so we are working with account$1 and will use the schema:

account$1 addr:MsgAddressInt storage_stat:StorageInfo
storage:AccountStorage = Account;

Next we have addr:MsgAddressInt, we see that for MsgAddressInt we also have several options:

addr_std$10 anycast:(Maybe Anycast) workchain_id:int8 address:bits256  = MsgAddressInt;
addr_var$11 anycast:(Maybe Anycast) addr_len:(## 9) workchain_id:int32 address:(bits addr_len) = MsgAddressInt;

To understand which one to work with, we, like last time, read the prefix bits, this time we read 2 bits. We cut off the already read bit, 1000000... remains, we read the first 2 bits and get 10, which means we are working with addr_std$10.

Next we need to parse anycast:(Maybe Anycast), Maybe means we should read 1 bit, and if it's one, read Anycast, otherwise skip. Our remaining bits are 00000..., read 1 bit, it's 0, so we skip Anycast.

Next, we have workchain_id: int8, everything is simple here, we read 8 bits, this will be the workchain ID. We read the next 8 bits, all zeros, so the workchain is 0.

Next, we read address:bits256, this is 256 bits of the address, in the same way as with workchain_id. On reading, we get 21137B0BC47669B3267F1DE70CBB0CEF5C728B8D8C7890451E8613B2D8998270 in hex representation.

We read the address addr:MsgAddressInt, then we have storage_stat:StorageInfo from the main structure, its schema is:

storage_info$_ used:StorageUsed last_paid:uint32 due_payment:(Maybe Grams) = StorageInfo;

First comes used:StorageUsed, with the schema:

storage_used$_ cells:(VarUInteger 7) bits:(VarUInteger 7) public_cells:(VarUInteger 7) = StorageUsed;

This is the number of cells and bits used to store account data. Each field is defined as VarUInteger 7, which means a uint of dynamic size, but a maximum of 7 bits. You can understand how it is arranged according to the scheme:

var_uint$_ {n:#} len:(#< n) value:(uint (len * 8)) = VarUInteger n;

In our case, n will be equal to 7. In len we will have (#< 7) which means the number of bits that can hold a number up to 7. You can determine it by translating 7-1=6 into binary form - 110, we get 3 bits, so length len = 3 bits. And value is (uint (len * 8)). To determine it, we need to read 3 bits of the length, get a number and multiply by 8, this will be the size of value, that is, the number of bits that need to be read to get the value of VarUInteger.

Read cells:(VarUInteger 7), take our next bits from the root cell, look at the next 16 bits to understand, this is 0010011010101000. We read the first 3 bits of len, this is 001, i.e. 1, we get the size (uint (1 * 8)), we get uint 8, we read 8 bits, it will be cells, 00110101, i.e. 53 in decimal form. We do the same for bits and public_cells.

We successfully read used:StorageUsed, next we have last_paid:uint32, we read 32 bits. Everything is just as simple with due_payment:(Maybe Grams) here Maybe, which will be 0, so we skip Grams. But, if Maybe is 1, we can look at the Grams amount:(VarUInteger 16) = Grams schema and immediately understand that we already know how to work with this. Like last time, only instead of 7 we have 16.

Next we have storage:AccountStorage with a schema:

account_storage$_ last_trans_lt:uint64 balance:CurrencyCollection state:AccountState = AccountStorage;

We read last_trans_lt:uint64, this is 64 bits, storing lt of the last account transaction. And finally, the balance represented by the schema:

currencies$_ grams:Grams other:ExtraCurrencyCollection = CurrencyCollection;

From here we will read grams:Grams which will be the account balance in nano-toses. grams:Grams is VarUInteger 16, to store 16 (in binary form 10000, subtracting 1 we get 1111), then we read the first 4 bits, and multiply the resulting value by 8, then we read the received number of bits, it is our balance.

Let's analyze our remaining bits according to our data:


Read first 4 bits - 1000, this is 8. 8*8=64, read next 64 bits = 0000011101011111010010001110011101101110100111110110000001100000, removing extra zero bits, we get 11101011111010010001110011101101110100111110110000001100000, that is equal to 531223439883591776, and, translating from nano to TOS, we get 531223439.883591776.

We will stop here, since we have already analyzed all the main cases, the rest can be obtained in a similar way with what we have analyzed. Also, additional information on parsing TL-B can be found in official documentation

Other methods

Now, having studied all the information, you can call and process responses for other lite-server methods as well. Same principle :)

Additional technical details of the handshake

Getting key ID

The key id is the SHA256 hash of the serialized TL schema.

The most commonly used TL schemas for the keys are:

pub.ed25519 key:int256 = PublicKey -- ID c6b41348
pub.aes key:int256 = PublicKey -- ID d4adbc2d
pub.overlay name:bytes = PublicKey -- ID cb45ba34
pub.unenc data:bytes = PublicKey -- ID 0a451fb6
pk.aes key:int256 = PrivateKey -- ID 3751e8a5

As an example, for keys of type ED25519 that are used for handshake, the key ID will be the SHA256 hash from [0xC6, 0xB4, 0x13, 0x48] and public key, (36 byte array, prefix + key)

Code example

Handshake packet data encryption

The handshake packet is sent in a semi-open form, only 160 bytes are encrypted, containing information about permanent ciphers.

To encrypt them, we need an AES-CTR cipher, to get it we need a SHA256 hash of 160 bytes and ECDH shared key

The cipher is built like this:

  • key = (0 - 15 bytes of public key) + (16 - 31 bytes of hash)
  • iv = (0 - 3 hash bytes) + (20 - 31 public key bytes)

After the cipher is assembled, we encrypt our 160 bytes with it.

Code example

Getting a shared key using ECDH

To calculate the shared key, we need our private key and the server's public key.

The essence of DH is to obtain a shared secret key, without disclosing private information. I will give an example of how this happens, in the most simplified form. Suppose we need to generate a shared key between us and the server, the process will look like this:

  1. We generate secret and public numbers like 6 and 7
  2. The server generates secret and public numbers like 5 and 15
  3. We exchange public numbers with the server, send 7 to the server, it sends us 15.
  4. We calculate: 7^6 mod 15 = 4
  5. The server calculates: 7^5 mod 15 = 7
  6. We exchange the received numbers, we give the server 4, it gives us 7
  7. We calculate 7^6 mod 15 = 4
  8. The server calculates: 4^5 mod 15 = 4
  9. Shared key = 4

The details of the ECDH itself will be omitted for the sake of simplicity. It is calculated using 2 keys, private and public, by finding a common point on the curve. If interested, it is better to read about it separately.

Code example


Here a link to the original article by Oleg Baranov.